Friday, December 6, 2013

Many Families CAN'T Afford Medical Insurance

New Straits Times -  8 September 2013

"It's unfortunate that less than a third of the population has personal medical coverage."

"Those who actually have personal medical insurance are within the middle- to high-income groups."

"Unfortunately, the ones who really need a health plan are the middle- to low-income groups"

STEPS should be taken to ensure all Malaysians can afford a medical card, since healthcare costs are continuing to rise, says Excellencia Solutions principal owner and certified financial planner Clarence Jacob Chua

Read more: 'Many families can't afford medical insurance' - General - New Straits Times

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Saya dah ada policy insurance TAPI....

"Saya dah ada insurance TAPI tak tau la mana saya letak policy tu"

"Dah ada insurance TAPI tak tau pulak cover apa, janji ada cukup la"
"Saya ada insurance la, TAPI kenapa pulak tak boleh claim? Agent tu cakap semua boleh"

Kita mempunyai policy insurance TETAPI adakah kita tahu apa kandungan policy tersebut?

Adakah kita betul-betul faham dan tahu perlindungan yang kita dapat?


Cuma buat bayaran  setiap bulan, asalkan ada insurance tanpa perlu memahami dan tahu apa perlindungan yang kita dapat?

insurans dibeli utk ketenangan fikiran...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Bagaimana nasib keluarga jika sekiranya SEMALAM kita sudah TIDAK BERUPAYA atau TIADA?

Bagaimana mereka terutamanya ANAK-ANAK hendak meneruskan kehidupan mereka?

Ternyata dengan memiliki INSURANS, kita mampu menyediakan TABUNG KECEMASAN & HARTA PUSAKA dalam sekelip walaupun pada zahirnya kita berpendapatan rendah.

Walaupun mungkin sedikit pampasan yang diterima oleh keluarga, tetapi BESAR ertinya kepada mereka yang masih hidup.Yang penting,  TANGGUNGJAWAB terhadap keluarga masih dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna.

019 260 9620

Friday, September 6, 2013

Medical Insurance

Bank Negara Statistic - over 86% of Malaysians do not have Medical Insurance.

AKPK Statistic - 26% of those who seek debt restructuring are deep in debt caused by high medical expenses due to illness or accident.

Medical Insurance is like a parachute, the moment you need it the most, it should work for you.

Medical card allow you to be protected with the least money spent, therefore medical insurance is very important.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Family Medical Card

AIA AFG Takaful menawarkan package lengkap "Medical Card" untuk satu KELUARGA.

Satu kadar premium 
Satu policy 

TIADA Perkongsian Limit Perlindungan  - Setiap ahli keluarga mempunyai limit masing-masing

TIADA Had Seumur Hidup

Perlindungan sehingga umur 99 tahun

Kemasukan hospital tanpa gangguan dengan "JUST SWIPE"-NO deposit

*term & condition apply

019 260 9620

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

AIA FIXED Rate Home Loan


Package 1
 4.99%  p.a
Non Zero Moving Cost Package

Package 2
 5.39% p.a 
Zero Moving Cost Package

Package 3
4.39% p.a ( 2 years )
5.15% p.a ( Thereafter )
Terms & Condition Apply

Margin of Finance
Up to 90%
*MOF is based on Open Market Value @ purchase price whichever is lower for new purchase
*OMV shall be based on the valuation report prepared by AIA panel valuers.

Loan Tenure
Up to 35 years or age 70 whichever is earlier

Minimum Loan
RM 100,000

Who can apply?
  • Individual Malaysian Citizans or permanent residents
  • For Self Employed - The business established for at least 3 years and operating profitability for the past 3 years
  • Foreigners residing and employed in Malaysia for a period of time with valid working permit or are with Malaysian spouses or relatives
  • Singaporeans & Bruneian Nationals

Properties Financed

Completed Residential Properties
  • With Permanent Certificate of Completion & Compliance  (CCC)
  • Landed - Klang Valley, Penang/Seberang Prai, Sg. Petani, Seremban, Johor Bahru, Ipoh, Kuantan, Melaka Town, Kota Kinabalu & Kuching Only
  • Non Landed (ie. apartments/condominiums & townhouses) - Penang Island, major towns for outstation & Klang Valley. 
  • Note:  For leasehold land, the unexpired land lease must exceed 20 years upon majority of the loan
  • (for Penisular Malaysia & Kota Kinabalu only)
  • Excluding residential properties located at landslip/flood prone area/ Oxidation pond/power station, T-junction and native land, Bumi Lot
  • Under Construction properties - available within AIA's approved list of panel of developers and projects.

Other Terms & Conditions
  • Life policy and or/Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) are required
  • A houseowner insurance policy on the property to be charged is required
  • For landed properties, a certified copy of the master policy with AIA Bhd endorsed as a mortgagee/chargee must be forwarded to AIA on a yearly basis
  • Zero moving cost refer to legal fees, stamp duty, disbursement and valuation for the loan agreement only.
terms & condition apply

**Interest rate offered will depend on the current packages offered and will vary from time to time. AIA may from time to time impose additional terms or vary the terms at its discretion.
019 260 9620

Tuesday, July 23, 2013