Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Pilihan ditangan anda......
Hospital Penuh...
Katil tak cukup
Bosan Menunggu...
Ramai Pesakit
Hospital Swasta
Bil mahal
Kalau ada Medical Card kan senang.......
- Perlindungan perubatan dan kemasukan hospital yang MENYELURUH
- Faedah perubatan dan kemasukan hospital yang lengkap termasuk pembedahan dan rawatan pesakit luar.
- Perlindungan boleh dilanjutkan kepada pakej KELUARGA
- TIADA had seumur hidup
- Perlindungan sehingga umur 99 tahun
019 260 9620
Female Illness Insurance
A Lady and A
Elite Lady offer you the following benefits:
200% of the sum assured will be payable should you be diagnosed with any one of the covered female organ cancers (Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Fallopian Tube, Vulva/Vagina or Ovary).
Wider Coverage
The riders cover for other female related diseases and treatments as well such as Carcinoma-in-situ of Cervix/Breast, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (S.L.E.) with Lupus Nephritis, Osteoporotic Fracture – Hip/Vertebral, Loss of Female Reproductive Organ due to Accident and etc.
Mental Well-being Benefit
In the event of the untimely demise of your spouse or child, we take care of you by reimbursing your treatment for psychotherapy.
Snatch Theft Benefit
The riders will compensate you should you unfortunately become the victim of snatch theft.
Lady Care Service
You are no longer need to be headache for troubles such as leaking pipe, malfunctioning electrical appliances, and even breaking down of car. The riders offer you free reliable referral service in getting assistance for your household and automobile problems in major towns at all times.
Maternity Benefits (A Elite Lady only)
This rider provides you with comprehensive maternity benefit which includes pregnancy complications, still birth or neonatal death as well as congenital anomalies.
Important: This is purely a product summary. Please refer to policy contract for further details.
019 260 9620
Monday, August 6, 2012
Mana nak cari duit nak bayar bil?
jual aset?
Memang PARAH
Badan dah sakit...Poket pun sakit
LINDUNGI kita & ahli keluarga dengan INSURANCE.
019 260 9620
Terjaminkah Hari Tua Kita?
Adakah kita tahu apa yang akan berlaku kepada diri kita pada 20 ataupun 30 tahun akan datang?
Kita semua mengimpikan kehidupan yang sempurna dan bahagia dihari tua nanti.
Adakah kita terfikir akan jaminan hari tua kita??
Sudahkah kita menyimpan? menabung?
Setiap kali
gaji terus habis?
Takkan bila dah pencen, anak masih sekolah,
baru nak terhegeh2 cari duit, mintak duit, rayu duit, pinjam duit kat
orang lain, kat kerajaan? tak rasa malu ke nanti? tak menyusahkan orang
lain ke nanti?
Kita sanggup pilih bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian? ( sebenarnya
tak susahpun)
Duit KWSP tak CUKUP??
AIA Retirement Account
019 260 9620
Sunday, August 5, 2012
He was a friend of mine and I never asked him to buy life insurance
because I didn’t want him to think I was the kind of the person
who would use friendship for personal gain.
He was a friend of mine and when he married I was glad.
Because I knew his wife too, and I knew they were the kind of people
who deserved all the good things in life that a happy marriage brings.
He was a friend of mine and when the baby came along a year or so ago,
I was awfully proud and happy for them. But I never told him how
he could help assure his child’s education.
He was a friend of mine and when I attend the house warming
in his new home six months later, I thought about mentioning
mortgage insurance, but I decided to wait until he had a change
to catch up with all his new expenses.
He was a friend of mine and his car missed the curved in the storm last
night, I was the first one his widow called.
Day after tomorrow I’ll be standing beside my friend’s grave
and I’ll still be trying to rationalize my failure to even talk to him
about life insurance. I’ll be thinking, too, even more
bitterly than I am now, about the staggering
price his family paid for my false pride and foolish sensitivity.
But most of all, I’ll be wandering when the time comes to pay my last
respects if he could speak, would he say of me as I do of him,
“He was a friend of mine”
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Wasi akan bertindak sebagai pemegang amanah. Apabila pemegang policy meninggal dunia, penama (wasi) hanya boleh menerima wang policy sebagai WASI dan mestilah mengagihkan wang tersebut mengikut undang-undang Islam.
Pembahagian akan memakan masa yang lama sekiranya tidak membuat wasiat.
Hibah ialah pemberian secara sukarela dari pemberi hibah
kepada orang yang dinamakan yang dibuat atas dasar kasih sayang tanpa menerima
sebarang bentuk balasan.
Penama penerima faedah layak menerima manfaat tersebut sebagai hadiah dan tidak
boleh dituntut oleh pihak lain dan sekiranya dibawa ke mahkamah sekalipun hak
tersebut masih milik penama tersebut.
We invite you to live out your dreams and make a difference!
Interested candidate may send your resume to:
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